Let's Grow Together
Moving AHEAD brings artists to the table with community leaders to advance health equity.
Structural racism and historic inequities have kept our communities from reflecting our values of justice and health equity. Artists have long used their creative expression to speak truth to power and explain social problems in clear and moving ways. Join us in building an alliance to advance health equity in our communities.
Community Partners
We are always thrilled to find new and exciting ways to showcase the incredible creatives in Colorado. Many of our statewide partners are leading exciting and transformative programming in the areas of youth mental health and civic engagement through artistic creation and education. Tell us about your work, we'd love to grow together!
Youth Voices
Education and creative scholastic programs are paramount within progressive diverse communities. Our Moving AHEAD teams works with higher education institutions throughout Colorado to establish strong school to career pipelines. Tell us about your workforce development and internship programs so we can help provide new and sustainable paths today for tomorrow's leaders.